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Intellectual Production #6: Learning Through Game Design

Task: Time to twine! Create a meaningful way of representing two readings through a twine creation of your own. It MUST be multimodal (image/text/sound). There are LOTS of fora to get help, so make sure to check those out.


  1. Kafai, Y. & Burke, Q. (2015). Constructionist Gaming: Understanding the Benefits of Making Games for Learning. Educational psychologist, 50, 4, 313-334.

  2. Tran, K. M. (2016). “Her story was complex”: A Twine workshop for ten- to twelve-year-old girls. E-Learning and Digital Media, 13(5–6), 212–226.

To play the game, download the HTML file and open in your browser, or check out the code by opening it in your own Twine!

*Note: music will not work in Chrome, please use Safari :)


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