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Jul 26, 2021
Individual Reflection
Task: Reflect on the game design process, what worked, what didn’t work, what did I learn, what would you I differently? I connect my...

Jul 4, 2021
"A Short Hike" Case Study
Task: This assignment entails playing a game solo and taking notes, then watching someone online play the same game, taking notes as...

Jun 29, 2021
Intellectual Production #1: Thinking About Game Design
Task: Take one game that you’ve played that was D.O.A. By D.O.A., I mean “dead on arrival” (i.e., a game that’s no fun to play). Write...

Jun 29, 2021
"A Short Hike" Field Notes
Task: Play a video game solo and take notes, then watch someone online play the same game, taking notes as well. Your job is to act as a...

Jun 29, 2021
Intellectual Production #2: Games and Learning, Foundational Reading
Task: Write a short summary of each two "Big Picture" paper on games and learning using the “3-2-1” method, then write a 2-sentence...

Jun 29, 2021
Intellectual Production #6: Learning Through Game Design
Task: Time to twine! Create a meaningful way of representing two readings through a twine creation of your own. It MUST be multimodal...

Jun 29, 2021
Intellectual Production #7: Representation as Gatekeeping in Games: Gender, Race and Culture
Task: Using any medium/media, and any form/s introduce your colleagues to representational problematics in video games as well as in game...
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