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IP #1: Users, Uses and Usability

Task: Formulate a conception of usability (based on the Issa and Isaias (2015) chapter on HCI and Usability). Use what you've learned about usability from that chapter--- but you are not summarizing or repeating their ideas, rather, you are setting out the idea of 'usability' you have put together from reading that chapter. Do NOT overly rely on quotes. And remember to use proper citation practices, if you are using text that is not your own, quote and cite it, including page numbers.

Then, think about what is missing from this conception, from a specifically educational perspective, and on that basis try and patch together a reasonably grounded and defensible conception of educational usability.

Revisit Woolgar’s (challenging but rewarding!) account of “usability gone wrong”, which demonstrates several ways a usability study ended up configuring ‘users’, thereby undermining the usefulness of usability. Identify and discuss 2 of Woolgar’s examples.

Finally, discuss the two excerpts quoted at the top of this IP, that have been drawn from your readings for this unit, and discuss differences you see in these 2 positions on the uses of usability.


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