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Module 2 Research Blog

Task: You will write brief descriptive notes of websites visited during the course of the term. This will take the form of an annotated weblog or journal and should include at least 5 sites and 300 - 500 words of description in total in each Module. In their postings, students will describe resources available, provide links to other sites, and describe usefulness for research on Indigenous knowledge, media, and community reality.

Keep in mind that after Module 1, (i.e. after you have submitted Assignment 2), all weblogs will contribute to the research for the Final Paper. This assignment will be posted as a “cyber-traveler’s” reflections.

5 postings will be required for each of the 2 modules. In Module 1 you may explore widely. Once you have submitted "Assignment 2: Research Proposal" all subsequent Weblogs should reflect/contribute to the area of research interest in your proposal.

Blog postings should be completed on time and clearly sequentially numbered for ease of marking. Please follow the instructions for identifying the Module and Blog Number.


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